Seena Frost
SoulCollage® was developed in the 1980s by the Jungian psychotherapist and theologian Seena Frost in the USA. She worked as a psychologist and supervisor in California for more than 30 years and was greatly influenced by C.G. Jungs, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Eric Berne, and Roberto Assagioli.
Seena Frost passed away in January 2016 at the age of 83.
As SoulCollage® inspires more people worldwide, it is now available in more than 50 countries through more than 5000 facilitators.
In her book, “SoulCollage® Evolving, ” she describes very clearly the method and the background of her work.
In order to ensure the responsible teaching and practise of this method, Seena Frost registered SoulCollage® with an officially registered trademark, so only specially trained facilitators can offer this method today.