Originally born and raised in Vienna, I spent many years living, studying, and working in the United States. 1993, I returned to Europe, not least to be closer to my family in Austria again. Currently, I live in Erlangen, near Nürnberg.
As an individual and spiritual seeker, I have been working on myself throughout most of my life. I am fascinated by ancestral and familiar dynamics and their impact on the dynamics of life forces we experience on our journey. I am a passionate searcher for individual truth and an advocate for removing our inhibiting shadows so we can step into our own power. Changing the world for the better and helping others shift consciousness begins with stepping into this calling within ourselves first.
Throughout my education, I have been exposed to a variety of methods and techniques that stimulate reflection, cognitive and conscious awareness. Also, a combination of different methods is always an option in my therapeutic work. I’m always happy to work with my clients, whether in person, by phone, by email, or online to accompany them on their soul journey.
Bachelor of Arts (USA) – Counseling Psychology, Antioch University, San Francisco
Master of Science (USA) – integrativer Studiengang Psychologie/Tanztherapie, California State University, Hayward
Polarity Therapy – Polarity Therapy Institut, Alan Siegel, San Francisco
Postural Integration – Jack Painter, Mill Valley, CA
Point Zero/Painting Experience – Michele Cassou, San Francisco
Authentic Movement – Tina Stromsted, Neala Haze, Joan Chodorow, Janet Adler, USA
Art Therapy – Gisela Schmeer, München
Neurofeedback – IFEN, Thomas Feiner, München
Initatische Prozessbegleitung i.A. – Eschwege Institut/ Gesa & Holger Heiten
Sound Therapy – Institut für Klangtherapie, Klanganwendungen und Selbstfindung/ Walter Häfner, Claudia Weber
SoulCollage®, Facilitator Training – Andrea Thüler, SoulCollage®.com Certified Archetypal Consultant – Caroline Myss Certification Program
Adolscent and Adult Psychiatry (outpatient and inpatient), USA and Germany 1986-1996
Privat Therapeutic Practice – Individual and Group Work, Teaching Seminars since 1994
(Wien, München, Frankfurt, Erlangen)
Art Studio, free lance – Sculptures, ProcessPainting, Art Postcards, SoulCards,
Work with Glass, Drift Wood Objects
Soul Sketches 1982-1992, Blurb Edition, Angela Fischlein, 2010
“D”-Wie “Drache”, Blurb Edition, Angela Fischlein, 2015